Marketing : +6288977756130

Industrial Printer for Primary & Secondary Packaging

Whether you need a printer to code on paperboard cartons, plastic bottles, flexible plastic or any other type of package, Videojet has the answer for you.

  • Print anything from simple alphanumeric codes to bar codes to even more complex content such as logos depending on your needs
  • Print Barcodes, 2D Codes, Batch Number, MRP, Lot codes, Expiry & Manufacture dates
  • Print directly on product or on labels/laminate pouches & Shipper cartons
  • Clear and high quality codes, maximizing your investment and the uptime of your line

The patented CleanFlow™ printhead reduces ink buildup so your printer runs longer with fewer interruptions.


Help prevent coding mistakes and make sure the right codes print on the right products.


Videojet is a global leader in the coding and marking industry and has over 345,000 printers installed worldwide.


Code Assurance as standard

Fast, intuitive interface streamlines daily interaction, clearly displaying real-time fluid levels, maintenance alerts, print jobs and other operational information

  • Prevent costly coding mistakes with CLARiTY-based user interface
  • Foolproof set-up wizards make it easy to get codes right and hard to get them wrong
  • Further reduce errors by pulling data directly from database systems